Why Is Legislative Veto of Christie DEP Rollback of Highlands Clean Water Rule Stalled In The Senate?
We do not want to repeat the flood hazard rule debacle
[Update below]
I recently urged environmentalists – here at Wolfenotes and via email – to renew their apparently stalled efforts to block the adoption of the Christie DEP’s proposed rollback of the Highlands rules, in light of the USGS’s rejection of a data quality complaint.
I heard nothing back.
So, I looked into the status of the Legislature’s attempts to block the proposal as “inconsistent with legislative intent”.
I urged Legislators to do so and laid out the justification in a May 20, 2016 post, see:
The Assembly subsequently introduced ACR192 (McKeon) a month later on June 20, 2016 and it was approved by the full Assembly by a 48-24-4 vote, way back on December 19, 2016.
The Senate has an identical Resolution SCR148 (Smith), but has not acted on it. Stalled.
I suspect that this is another Sweeney special: see:
Or the Senate Environment Committee Chair Bob Smith may be acting solo, given the debacle on the failed attempted legislative veto of the DEP stream encroachment (Flood Hazard) rules, or as a bargaining chip in his various negotiations with the Christie DEP (e.g. coastal, public access, budget, et al).
Maybe some intrepid reporter out there might want to find out what’s holding the Senate back and the environmentalists might want to put a little public heat on Senate President Sweeney and Environmental Committee Chairman Smith.
We do not want to repeat the flood hazard rule debacle.
[Update – gee wiz, maybe this could explain the crickets?
BTW, does Murphy know that Kelly Mooij at NJ Audubon partners with Donald Trump?
Is Murphy OK with that?