Lobbyists sign in at DEP – who were they visiting and what were they discussing?
If the White House can release visitors logs, why can’t the NJ Department of Environmental Protection release them?
According to CNN breaking news:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Obama plans to announce Friday that the White House will release its future visitor logs on a regular basis, two administration officials said.
The announcement follows a legal settlement with the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which had sued the administration for release of visitor logs, the group announced on its Web site.
Since taking office, the president has been criticized for refusing to release some of the logs, including those relating to health care and coal company executives.
The new policy will apply to visitor logs created after September 15 not to previous visitor logs, according to an administration statement outlining the policy that CREW posted on its Web site. The future logs will be released 90 to 120 days after the meetings, and there are some exceptions.”
Last year, NJ DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson denied a legal petition to bring transparency to DEP by disclosing who senior DEP managers meet with. Ironically, after leaving NJ to become EPA Administrator, Jackson reversed her NJ position and agreed to post her daily calendar and those of senior EPA managers on the EPA website.
In the wake of recent corruption scandals involving access to and political influence on DEP, that petition was refiled and is again before current DEP Commissioner Mark Mauriello. How Mauriello handles that request will be a test of the Corzine administration’s alleged commitment to transparency, open government and ethics reform.
Will press hold the Governor accountable on this issue and ask him about Lisa Jackson’s previous denial?
Will good government reformer Independent Chris Daggett engage the issue in the campaign?
Will corruption buster Republican Chris Christie take a stand on transparency at DEP?
We’ll keep you posted.
[Update: The Union of Concerned Scientists has very similar reaction – read the UCS press release here]
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