An Appeal to OWS Movement To Shame Chemical Industry Abuses

100 Years of Poisoning Workers, Communities, and the World
Today, Occupy Wall Street holds a national day of action to occupy our homes, focusing their huge spotlight on home foreclosure.
In Pompton Lakes NJ, chemical giant Dupont corporation has occupied over 450 homes with toxic chemical gases, poisoning people and effectively creating toxic hostages.
This is an open letter proposal to the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly and their many supporters in the greater NY/NJ metropolitan region.
Dear OWS:
I applaud your efforts to expose and shame the corporate criminals on Wall Street and their cronies in government who have greedily enriched themselves at the expense of the lives of the 99% and the health of the planet.
You have created a model community and practiced democracy in action.
You have raised fundamental questions about our economy, government, and culture, and created political space to explore alternatives for a better future for all people and the planet.
You have shown courage and dignity in non-violent protest and direct action civil disobedience, as militarized police forces have illegally and brutally repressed and violently assaulted you.
You have provided hope and inspired and empowered millions of people across the globe.
Your recent targeted direct community based actions have exposed and shamed all forms of corporate crime, while standing in support and solidarity with the victims of that crime.
Perhaps the most vivid example of this is your effort to resist the disgraceful practice of foreclosure and eviction of people from their homes.
It is with those glorious principles and effective tactics in mind that I urge your support for the toxic hostages who live in Pompton Lakes, NJ.
Families there in over 450 homes have been poisoned by chemicals dumped by the Dupont corporation.
Dupont has occupied these homes and held families as toxic hostages.
For almost 100 years, the war profiteering Dupont corporation dumped poisonous toxic chemicals on the land, water and air at their Pompton Lakes explosives manufacturing facility.
For 30 years, they have used raw political power and corrupt influence on government to avoid, delay, and minimize cleanup of the mess they created.
As a result of that criminal legacy, the soil, water and wildlife remain poisoned, including toxic gas seeping into over 450 homes.
People are toxic hostages in their own homes. Children and mothers live in fear. Lives have been destroyed.
Those poisons are associated with elevated levels of cancers and other diseases in workers and the community.
Dupont is one of the world’s worst toxic polluters, and has a shameful history of poisoning and killing workers and communities across the globe. (see: Dupont – Too Big to Jail)
Enough is enough – chemical giants like Dupont must be held accountable and cease destructive production of poisons, cleanup the toxic mess they made, and compensate the communities and people lives they have destroyed.
After 100 years of toxic abuse and 25 years of government neglect by keeping the community in the dark and protecting Dupont, finally, on January 5, 2012, the US Environmental Protection Agency will hold the first ever public hearing in Pompton Lakes on Dupont’s proposed cleanup plan.
We ask the OWS Movement to target Dupont Pompton Lakes as ground zero for corporate toxic chemical pollution abuse and lax government oversight.
On January 5, voyage across the might Hudson River!
Come show solidarity with the people of Pompton Lakes – Occupy Dupont!
Free the toxic hostages! Pilgrimage against Poison!
January 5, 2012 at:
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pompton Lakes High School 44 Lakeside Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442

OWS – (10/7/11)
I’ll be there! As a former resident I understand that this has been going on far too long. The good people of Pomton Lakes need and deserve their town back!
I support the Occupy DuPont Pompton Lakes Movement 100%. I lived at 1457 Washington Ave from the early 50’s when my father, Eddie Vilar a WWII vet & his wife bought our home. This dumping & other atrocities that DuPont has done to the people of Pompton Lakes MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Several of my classmates from PLHS Class of 1964 died of or had cancerous conditions including myself! The people of Pompton Lakes deserve their town back & for it to be a healthy environment for all individuals!!!! If I were able to come up for this demonstration I definitely would but unfortunately it will not be possible at this time. If there is anything I can do from NC where I presently live please let me know. I’d be happy to send emails or letters to anyone!
Evie Vilar Glodic
I want to thank you Mr. Wolfe and all others at PEER for taking action for the residents living in contamination for decades in Pompton Lakes, NJ. Every ounce of success for the residents has been achieved by the standing their ground and from their hard work which involves countless hours of volunteer work. I applaud you for your courageous efforts and your continuing support and assistance! We have no choice but to OCCUPY POMPTON LAKES, NJ ON JANUARY 5, 2012!! For those that are reading this, please sign the following petition and share with everyone you know. Stop poison gases from rising into Pompton Lakes families’ basements!
Bravo Wolfe See you there recent letter to Judith Enck and Lisa Jackson
Dear Administrator Enck ,
Hello once again,
I would like to express my concern about the Air discharge from the pump and treat system on the DuPont property in Pompton Lakes, Just as many residents have brought up in the past the need for air testing in the area of the Plant and the Plume. Last night was a great example of the need for Air Monitoring, as a dense fog converged over the DuPont Plant last night. A very strong metallic, chemical smell, Took over the entire neighborhood. That left an acidic taste in my nose and mouth after taking a short walk around the Howard Street area.
This smell has been exhibited in the residential areas before during times of inversion and dense fog, Last night was a perfect example for the need for Air Quality Testing on a regular basis in Pompton Lakes. I believe the E.P.A. has such equipment available in the State of New Jersey, I believe the use of this equipment was promised by E.P.A Commissioner Lisa Jackson on her visit to Pompton Lakes in the past. So I respectfully ask you in the name of Environmental Justice and the Health Safety and Welfare to Deploy the Air Monitoring System to Pompton Lakes ASAP.
Yours Truly
Edward J Meakem
The Pompton Lakes Community Advisory Group (CAG) has been working on the air stripper issue for quite some time and submitted to the EPA, Resolution No. 4,; dated 7/25/2011 on the air stripper issue. If anyone would like a copy of this resolution – contact For more information on the Pompton Lakes Community Advisory Group (CAG) – see Thank you!
I’ll be there!!!!
Clink on the link to view and print Pompton Lakes Community Advisory Group (CAG), Resolution No. 4, July 25, 2011, Re: Air Stripper Issue – If you have any questions, reach out to PLCAG at Thank you!
@Lisa Riggiola
Thanks for all your help!
We need a full and thorough Independent Federal Environmental Investigation of the activities both current and over the past 25 years in Pompton Lakes NOW!; In fact its “POST TIME”!
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921 signatures and counting! Stop DuPont Chemical from Poisoning New Jersey Families –
What has happened here in Pompton Lakes is an injustice and we can no longer wait (waiting decades already) for someone to come and help us and clean-up our neighborhoods. We must demand that it be done and if it can’t be no one should have to live in these toxins and must be removed. EPA stateds that “human exposure is not under control” and it has not been for decades so how is it ok for us to continue living this way! Superfund made easy – we have a “responsible party” that can be told by the EPA under strict guidelines to clean their mess up! Let’s do it now!
Since I was just transferred to Pompton Lakes and knew nothing about this I will be honored to join you!
Kenny – Mark your calendar Thursday, Janaury 5, 2012 is the date! Very important day for Pompton Lakes for our first EPA Hearing! More info coming soon and thank you!
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