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Nothing to say, but its OK – Good Morning

For John Bury – the glaciers are almost gone
I’ve got nothing to say but it’s O.K.
Good morning, good morning…

~~~~ Beatles
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last

~~~~ Simon & Garfunkel
(the smokey air was from huge forest fires in southern rockies)

Glacier National Park.
  1. jbken
    July 12th, 2008 at 10:42 | #1

    And I wasn’t referring to you regarding revisions. I didn’t even notice if you do revise since once this stuff goes into the archives it pretty much functions as a personal filing cabinet.
    If I do have a complaint about this blog it’s that, if you don’t get an editor’s pick, there’s a chance you can disappear pretty quickly if a lot of other bloggers decide to post (and you’ve got those 2-3 SL editorials every day at 10:30). It would be nice if there was some minimum amount of front-page time, like 24 hours, and a post wouldn’t get kicked off until it had its time. But there are problems with that too, maybe creating logjams.
    Finally, I can do without the pictures of Parvin State Park but I think your posts on those what the DEP is doing with pictures and links to testimony is one of the best things on this blog.

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