
Archive for May, 2014

Christie’s Eye Is On The Sparrow

May 6th, 2014 No comments

His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches over me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me   ~~~ His Eye is On the Sparrow

As I was listening to today’s Legislative hearing on Bridgegate, I was intrigued by a line of detailed questioning by Senator Gill.

Gill probed the chronology of Ms. Renna’ deletion of an email from her boss, Bridgette Kelly.

Gill claimed that Gov. Christie’s Chief of Staff Kevin O’Dowd had given Bridgette Kelly’s email – which had cut out the “good” reply to Ms. Renna of IGA – to Gov. Christie 30 days prior to when Ms. Renna divulged it to various senior Christie officials.

So, I went and read Kevin O’Dowd’s Mastro interview summary and came across a real gem.

Given that the Gov. was involved in minutia like who sat in his box at sports  events, is it plausible he knew nothing about Bridgegate or the Hoboken shakedown?: (O’Dowd interview)

D. Responsibilities of the Deputy Chief of Staff of IGA

Southwell asked about the responsibilities of Bridget Kelly, the former Deputy Chief of Staff of IGA. O’Dowd understood that Kelly served as the liaison between the executive branch and local elected officials: Kelly and her team were responsible for interfacing with local officials to see what was going on in their respective communities and to identify any issues that the Administration could help address. For example, if there was a pothole in Bridgewater, Kelly might reach out to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (“DOT”) and ask if the agency was aware of the issue. Kelly was also responsible for organizing the logistics of various public events, including the Governor’s town hall meetings, bill signings, and breakfast meetings at Drumthwacket, where the Governor would host different constituency groups. In this regard, Kelly worked closely with the communications staff, including Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Planning Maria Comella, including with respect to communicating with the Governor. Kelly also oversaw who sat in the Governor’s box in various stadiums for events, and Kelly communicated with the Governor on this. 

Christie’s eye is on the sparrow.

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More Chinatown: BPU’s Revolving Door Opens for South Jersey Gas

May 6th, 2014 No comments

Cozy Relationships, Revolving Doors, and Deregulatory Abuses Abound

Christie BPU Kept Economics of Pines Pipeline Gas Deal Secret

We have described South Jersey Gas Co.’s Pinelands pipeline project as an example of NJ’s “Chinatown” (see:

We’ve also written about how selfish, ambitious, and narrow interests in personal careers undermines the public interest (see:

Today, those two themes – the personal and the institutional – combine.

The Bergen Record published an excellent followup analysis of superb investigative reporting. The Record’s analysis provides further in depth and specific examples of how the “Chinatown” world operates.

Yesterday, the Record took a close look at the revolving door abuses at the NJ State Board of Public Utilities  (see a great investigative story with the worst headline ever:

Today, the Record did a followup analysis of that story see:

Among many other things, the Record found that the BPU revolving door opens widely for the South Jersey Gas. Co.:

The path between the BPU’s offices and jobs in related industries is well-worn and provides a personalized look at many of the issues.

Former Executive Director Victor Fortkiewicz left in 2010 and roughly five months later took a seat on the board of directors at South Jersey Industries — the parent company of South Jersey Gas, which provides service to more than 313,000 residential commercial and industrial customers. His predecessor at the BPU moved on to become the director of regulatory affairs for South Jersey Gas.  ~~~  Analysis: Ethics rules don’t keep ex-BPU officials from related industries


Perhaps that helps explain sweetheart corrupt deals like this:

Like we said, it’s Chinatown!

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The Worst Toxic Pollution Threats You Never Heard Of

May 4th, 2014 No comments

Dupont Pompton Lakes Toxic Nightmare Just One of 81 Sites In NJ

Risks From “RCRA Corrective Action” Toxic Sites Worse Than Superfund

Fortune 100 Corporations Pollute With Little Accountability

To paraphrase Bill Greider’s prescient 1993 book: Who will warn the public?

Last week, I was angered but not surprised by EPA’s craven concession to Dupont’s challenge of a “RCRA Corrective Action” permit that would have required dredging of highly mercury contaminated sediments from Pompton Lake and sampling and removal of downriver “hot spots” (and likely a huge compensation payment to the public for Natural Resource Damages associated with poisoned fish & wildlife).

But Pompton Lakes is just one of NJ’s 81 communities with a highly contaminated RCRA hazardous waste site and a Corrective Action toxic waste cleanup underway.  The impunity of corporate polluters, cleanup delays, lax government oversight, and public health risks  – bordering on negligence, fraud and coverup – we’ve seen in Pompton Lakes are not unique.

Scores of NJ communities and thousands of NJ residents currently are being exposed to uncontrolled releases of hazardous wastes from 81 highly polluted industrial sites, yet the people at risk who live in those communities know virtually nothing about it.

Let’s put a finer point on and repeat that: human exposure to hazardous wastes is not controlled at at least 10 of 81 high risk toxic sites in NJ, and groundwater pollution is not under control at at least 21 more, and EPA is fully aware of those risks.

Here is NJ’s list of 81 RCRA Corrective Action sites. 

These are not abandoned sites or created by bankrupt little “mom & pop” polluters –  most are currently commercially operated by highly profitable corporations.

Note the major blue chip corporations involved, including Alcatel-Lucent; American Home Products; American Standard; Brystol-Myers Squibb; Chevron; Chemical Waste Management; Dupont (4 sites); El Paso Energy; Ethicon; Exxon; Fisher Scientific; FMC; Givaudan; Hess; Honeywell; IBM; IFF; Merck; Novartis; Ortho-Clinical; PolyOne; Revlon; Schering; Simmonds Precision; Southland; Sunoco; & Wyeth.

Hit the corporate names  on this list to get site specific information.

You might want to compare the RCRA sites to NJ’s 113 Superfund sites.

Are you aware of those risks?

When was the last time you read news reports of your local Congressman touring a “RCRA Corrective Action” site in your community? I can assure you, it never happened. Why?

When was the last public hearing you attended to review and comment on a proposed  RCRA cleanup in your community?

When was the last time you read a news report about a “RCRA Corrective Action” site? Rarely if ever. Why is that?

That invisibility of the problems and lack of public participation is no accident – it is by design.

RCRA Corrective Action sites are firmly under the control of major big name US corporate polluters.

Over the last 3 decades, those polluters have lobbied Congress and EPA regulators and have virtually written the rules and worked the refs at EPA to keep their dirty laundry out of the newspapers – all while they continue to spew their toxic pollution into your basements, the air you breath, and the water you drink.

Just ask the folks who live in over 450 homes in Pompton Lakes NJ – who, despite almost a decade of knowledge by state and federal regulators, didn’t find out until 2008 that carcinogenic chemical vapors from the Dupont site were migrating into their homes.

As I’ve written, despite this knowledge of the risks of vapor intrusion, US EPA Region 2 falsely certified in Reports to Congress that “human exposure” in Pompton Lakes was “under control”.

For over 20 years, EPA and NJ DEP conspired with Dupont to avoid public participation and public hearings on the cleanup by conducting oversight of the Dupont cleanup under a negotiated 1988 State DEP Administrative Consent Order and “minor modifications” to an EPA issued 1992 RCRA permit. “Minor modifications” are supposed to be just what the name describes: minor – and they do not trigger public notice and hearing requirements under EPA RCRA regulations.

This is no conspiracy theory – Here is an email from the head of EPA Region 2 RCRA programs that proves my charge of intentionally avoiding public involvement: 

>>> <> 05/14/2008 12:02 PM >>>
Maybe we should consider this a Interim Remedial Measures Workplan instead of a Remedial Action Workplan since we want to expedite it and to take a less formal public participation approach than for a remedial action?

So sickened by all this, to promote some transparent and accountability for a classic example of corporate “capture” of – and media blackout on – an important government program that is supposed to be protecting your health and environment, today we provide background and some basic information on the EPA’s “RCRA Corrective Action” program.

That RCRA program operates almost completely in the dark, with little community awareness and virtually no media coverage.

Ideally, some intrepid journalist out there might hit the links and do a little digging to warn the people in these 81 NJ towns of toxic time bombs in their towns.

  • Background Information and Universe of RCRA Corrective Action Sites

According to a 2011 Report by the Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO)

The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 revised RCRA to include new provisions requiring certain facilities to take corrective action to clean up their sites. EPA data show that as of the end of fiscal year 2010, about 6,000 facilities were subject to corrective action; that is, they were required to undertake corrective action in response to a release of hazardous waste or constituents.

The number of RCRA CA facilities dwarfs the well known Superfund program. The hazardous chemicals are virtually the same and just as toxic as those regulated under the Superfund program.

In fact, in many cases, RCRA sites are far more risky than their Superfund counterparts. For example, a hazard ranking score (HRS)  of 28.5 or greater qualifies a site for Superfund –  the Dupont Pompton Lakes site scored an astonishing 78 on the HRS, and that score did not include the vapor intrusion risks.

EPA stopped conducting HRS scoring at RCRA sites to cover up this huge problem: what would happen if the public and press found out about these 6,000 industrial sites? They might demand that EPA and the corporate polluters spend billions of dollars and clean them up!

Again, here is NJ’s list of 81 RCRA Corrective Action sites. 

  • Who Is Responsible For Cleanup and How are RCRA Corrective Action Site Cleaned up?

Over 30 years ago, in 1984, Congress created the RCRA Corrective Action program and mandated cleanup.

EPA is the lead agency responsible for enforcing the 1984 law known as “HSWA”. EPA can delegate implementation of the program to States if State programs are as strict as the federal law. Over the last 30 years, 42 States have been delegated the RCRA Correction Action program.

But not NJ – 30 years later, and NJ still has not enacted equivalent State laws and adopted regulations required to receive EPA delegation of the RCRA Corrective Action program. Why is that?

NJ was very aggressive for 30 years in seeking Superfund site designations, and leads the Country in number of sites on the Superfund “National Priorities List” (NPL).

What explains such laggard behavior under RCRA compared to the aggressive implementation of Superfund?

Here’s how GAO describes the RCRA cleanup process:

There are no comprehensive cleanup regulations under RCRA. Instead, EPA and authorized states primarily use guidance to implement corrective action and impose requirements at individual facilities through their permits or orders. The agency emphasizes the flexible nature of the program…

So, how has this “flexible”, non-regulatory, guidance based program performed?

GAO reports the following:

Although RCRA, as amended, set no deadlines for completing cleanups under the corrective action program, EPA set [aspirational] performance goals for the program in response to planning requirements established for all federal agencies under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993.

With no legislative mandates set by Congress, aspirational EPA goals, and voluntary Guidance – not regulations – to guide cleanups, and major corporations in control, one would expect performance to be weak.

Here’s what GAO found:

Over the years, nationwide progress on the cleanup of hazardous waste has been slow. Moreover, in October 1997 and August 2000, we reported that a number of management factors limited cleanup progress under the corrective action program during the 1990s, including a burdensome cleanup process and resource shortfalls. […]

In 1997, in response to GPRA, EPA established its first set of performance goals for the corrective action program. The goals were to be achieved by the end of fiscal year 2005 and targeted 1,714 facilities at high risk of causing potentially unacceptable public exposure to pollutants, having high levels of groundwater contamination, or both. The performance goals to be met by fiscal 2005 were as follows:

  • controlling human exposures to contaminants at 95 percent of these high-priority facilities and
  • controlling the migration of contaminated groundwater at 70 percent of the 1,714 facilities.12

Importantly, these goals did not explicitly address final cleanup of sites but rather sought to control contamination at high-risk sites first. Previously, we and others reported that EPA had not established long- term goals for final cleanup.13 In our August 2000 report, we noted that focusing only on controlling contamination and not on implementing final cleanup actions could postpone cleanups well into the future, and we recommended that EPA establish long-term and annual goals delineating the number or portion of facilities that are to implement final cleanup actions. In response to our recommendation, EPA agreed that implementing final remedies was important but decided at the time to use its limited resources to focus on controlling contamination at the worst sites. EPA also stated that the corrective action program did not have the resources to focus concurrently on containing contamination and implementing final cleanup actions.

EPA’s next set of performance goals, for 2008, began to address longer- term concerns. EPA continued the goals to control human exposures to contaminants and contain the spread of groundwater contamination, but it  added two new goals. These two longer-term goals directed that a portion of high-priority facilities were to decide upon and construct a final cleanup remedy. EPA defined the completion of final remedy construction as the time when the physical components of a final corrective action remedy for a facility were in place and functioning correctly. EPA also increased the total number of high-priority facilities that must address the goals from 1,714 to 1,968.14 The performance goals to be met by fiscal year 2008 were as follows:

  • controlling human exposures to contaminants at 95 percent of 1,968 high-priority facilities,
  • controlling the migration of contaminated groundwater at 80 percent of these high-priority facilities,
  • selecting final remedies at 30 percent of these facilities, and
  • completing final remedy construction at 20 percent of these facilities.

The reader is directed to an EPA letter to GAO in the Attachments to th GAO report – there EPA characterizes these goals as “aspirational”.

So it is no wonder that those “aspirational” goals – not backed by law – are not being met.

Back to the findings of the GAO Report:

Figure 4 shows progress made by the 3,747 facilities covered by the 2020 goals in carrying out major milestones in the corrective action process— including facility investigation, remedy selection, and remedy construction—plus cleanup not yet started and cleanup completed. As the figure shows, by the end of fiscal year 2010, 283 (8 percent) of the 3,747 facilities had not yet begun the cleanup process. Some of these facilities may have been assessed by EPA or the state and assigned a high, medium, or low priority, but no further action had been taken. The facilities in this category are also the ones most recently added to the universe for the 2020 goals.

Figure 4 shows progress made by the 3,747 facilities covered by the 2020 goals in carrying out major milestones in the corrective action process— including facility investigation, remedy selection, and remedy construction—plus cleanup not yet started and cleanup completed. As the figure shows, by the end of fiscal year 2010, 283 (8 percent) of the 3,747 facilities had not yet begun the cleanup process. Some of these facilities may have been assessed by EPA or the state and assigned a high, medium, or low priority, but no further action had been taken. The facilities in this category are also the ones most recently added to the universe for the 2020 goals.

But what about EPA regulatory requirements that RCRA Corrective Action facilities provide up front “financial assurance” to pay for 100% of the cleanup costs?

What about enforcement of RCRA cleanup obligations, given these delays in cleanups?

What about ecological damages to fish and wildlife? Are the corporate polluters compensation the public for those Natural Resource Damages?

The RCRA Corrective Action program is an ongoing scandal of significant impacts to public health and the environment.

When will there be proper governmental and media oversight?

To paraphrase Bill Greider’s prescient 1993 book: Who will warn the public?

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May Day Message: People, Peace, and Planet Before Profit

May 2nd, 2014 No comments

Scenes From May Day in New York City

Dr. Jill Stein speaks at Union Square - "People, Peace, & Planet Before Profit" was her message

Dr. Jill Stein speaks at Union Square – “People, Peace, & Planet Before Profit” was her message


Union Square Park

Union Square Park


may day3




may day5


may day6


Defense of US Post Office at Staples on Broadway

Defense of US Post Office at Staples on Broadway


City Hall rally

City Hall rally




Convocation at City Hall rally - dignity and justice for all

Convocation at City Hall rally – dignity and justice for all


may day13


may day10


Zucotti Park - where have all the protesters gone? It looked at LOT better Occupied!

Zucotti Park – where have all the protesters gone? It looked at LOT better Occupied!






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New DEP Report Shows Advanced Treatment Removes Toxic Chemicals from Drinking Water

May 2nd, 2014 No comments

Why Is Advanced Treatment Not Required for NJ Drinking Water?

Why is DEP allowing millions of NJ residents to be needlessly – and unknowingly – exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals when there is treatment technology available to remove them?

Source: DEP scientist Gloria Post, PhD, presentation to NJ DWQI (4/29/14)

[Update below]

I wanted to post the above chart and excerpt below from a new DEP report presented to the Drinking Water Quality Institute (DWQI) earlier this week in order to make one critically important point that is being lost in the media coverage and over all debate about the DWQI.

An it is shocking that DEP’s “asset management” Guidance and the infrastructure deficit debates ignore needs for upgrading treatment.

Several years ago, DEP, US EPA, and the US Geological Service found that there are over 500 unregulated chemicals present in NJ drinking water. For details, see this PEER Report:

Trenton — New Jersey should filter its drinking water to remove hundreds of chemicals, most of which are unregulated, from its drinking water supply, according to a rulemaking petition filed today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). The plan to screen many chemicals out of tap water was actually developed by the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) but has been in limbo for the last six years.

State testing has detected “approximately 600” chemical compounds “in 199 samples collected” including five brands of bottled water, according to a recent DEP white paper. The vast majority of these chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, hormones, and cleaning products, are not regulated by either the federal or state government. As a result, there is no regulatory effort to reduce or eliminate them from drinking water.

The April 2010 DEP white paper, entitled “Investigations Related to a ‘Treatment-Based’ Regulatory Approach to Address Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water,” advocates used granular activated carbon filtration and other techniques to remove most chemicals in drinking water, noting that carbon filtration alone removed more than half of identified chemicals.

These chemicals are unregulated. Health effects of exposure to these chemicals are unknown, especially for children and the developing fetus. They are not removed by what is called “conventional treatment” that is installed at NJ drinking water systems.

But there are advanced treatment methods that can remove almost all of these chemicals to “non-detectable” levels.

PEER recently petitioned DEP to impose regulations to mandate advanced treatment of NJ drinking water systems that are highly vulnerable or have known contamination by unregulated chemicals.

The Christie DEP denied that petition. See:

PEER’s concerns and the case for installing advanced treatment was made stronger by a DEP report posted on DEP’s website today. Some of the key findings of the Report was presented to the DWQI earlier this week and the full Report was posted on the DEP website today.

According to the Report,  available data strongly suggests DEP should begin to require advanced treatment at certain vulnerable water supply systems.

The DEP Report found:

PFCs are removed from drinking water by granular activated carbon and reverse osmosis (Rahman et al., 2014), while the standard treatment processes used at the sites included in the 2006 and 2009 studies do not effectively remove PFCs. Data on PFCs in raw and finished water from several sites included in the 2006 and 2009 studies confirms that PFC concentrations are generally not decreased in the finished water (Post et al., 2009, Post et al., 2013b). …

In addition, to better understand treatment options available for the removal of unregulated organic contaminants, the Department is studying the effectiveness of granular activated carbon (GAC) removal technology in removing unregulated contaminants, including PFOA and PFOS, in pilot studies at two water systems that use groundwater: Fair Lawn Water Department (Bergen County) and Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Commission (Camden County). These pilot studies are currently ongoing.

Why is DEP allowing millions of NJ residents to be needlessly – and unknowingly – exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals when there is treatment technology available to remove them?

It appears that DEP is refusing to do so based on alleged high cost of these treatment systems.

How much are you willing to pay to drink healthy water?

[Update: 5/5/14 – I focused on treatment issue as a solution, but Jon Hurdle at NJ Spotlight writes a superb story about how DEP suppressed this study for 4 years, see:

Advanced treatment too expensive, but some are living high on the hog at the corporate style office of the head o the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust - a friend and crony of DEP Commissioner "Birkenstock Bob" Martin, according to the Mastro Report

Advanced treatment too expensive, but some are living high on the hog at the corporate style office of the head o the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust – a friend and crony of DEP Commissioner “Birkenstock Bob” Martin, according to the Mastro Report

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