
Archive for October, 2023

Kennedy Dumps Democrats – Declares As An Independent

October 9th, 2023 No comments

Outlines An Agenda For US Independence From Corporate Power

Riffing on 1776 and the US Declaration of Independence, today former Democratic candidate for President Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced his candidacy as an Independent.

Kennedy reiterated his original pledge to:

to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.

Because it is highly unlikely that the corporate media will fairly present his rationale for doing so, here is the thrust of RFK Jr.’s message, with which I completely agree: (text of speech – emphases mine):

Today, I declared my independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government to milk us for profit.

I declared independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the military contractors, and their lobbyists who now outnumber members of Congress 20 to 1. 

I declared independence from the mercenary media that forever urges us to hate our neighbors and fear our friends.

I declared independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions.

And finally, I declared independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them, and the entire rigged system of rancor and rage, corruption and lies, that has turned government officials into indentured servants of their corporate bosses. If left unchecked, they will commoditize our air, water, food, labor, and children, and turn the American Dream into desperation and dust.

No other candidate is saying anything remotely like this.

No other candidate is properly focused on corporate power and the corporate capture and corruption of government in pursuit of greed and profits.

Earlier this year, after Kennedy announced his run as a Democratic candidate and Cornel West announced his run as a Green Party candidate, I wrote to support both candidates’ ideology and agenda, and suggest a strategy, see; Progressive Need Their Own “Powell Memo”:

But recently, there have been glimmers of light in this darkness.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his campaign for President with a refreshingly radical pledge:

“to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”

Kennedy pledged to establish “honest government”.

While I have not supported the Kennedy candidacy, I have contributed small amounts to the Kennedy campaign to reward this focus on corporate power and regulatory capture, because I’ve been working on similar issues for over 40 years – both in government and advocacy groups – and find them to be of critical importance.

The Kennedy campaign can be an effective platform and vehicle for education, organization and mobilization on many left and progressive issues that are implicit in Kennedy’s declarations excerpted above. Of course, I disagree with Kennedy on several issues, particularly immigration and Israel-Palestine, and the way he is framing climate and even environmental issues (i.e. that capitalism can solve both).

I did not expect Kennedy to break with the Democratic Party and assumed he would travel the same road of corporate DNC sabotage as Bernie Sanders did in 2016 and 2020.

Running as an Independent is a major political development that likely will force Democrats to bag Biden and engage Kennedy’s challenge. It could also attract a considerable faction of the Trump base.

Regardless, as Kennedy clearly sought to emphasize in Philadelphia, it was an historic speech.

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Taking The Exit Ramp

October 4th, 2023 No comments



[Update below]

Last week, I listened to excerpts of Naomi Klein’s September 3 talk at the Socialist Conference.

Klein presented an interesting analysis of the right wing paranoid conspiracy theory upside down world – a place she calls the “Mirror World”.

Klein argued that much of that Orwellian world is the result of failures of progressives and the left, who have abandoned traditional left critiques of capitalism and corporate power. This abdication created a political vacuum that has been exploited by the right. Using several examples, she noted that right wing conspiracy theories get the facts badly wrong, but get the feelings right in appealing to legitimate and traditionally left politics, popular sentiments, and issues.

Based on that talk and her prior books, I picked up a copy of her recent book, Doppelgänger.

The book was a huge disappointment. The kernels of cogent analysis and criticism were not worth wading through all the personal pathos she delivers.

[Update: 10/8/23 – Once again, Chris Hedges does not disappoint. He makes all the criticisms Klein evades explicit and powerful. Here’s a taste, from his essay Fascism Comes To America :

The parting gift, I expect, of the bankrupt liberalism of the Democratic Party will be a Christianized fascist state. The liberal class, a creature of corporate power, captive to the war industry and the security state, unable or unwilling to ameliorate the prolonged economic insecurity and misery of the working class, blinded by a self-righteous woke ideology that reeks of hypocrisy and disingenuousness and bereft of any political vision, is the bedrock on which the Christian fascists, who have coalesced in cult-like mobs around Donald Trump, have built their terrifying movement. […]

The root cause of our political distress lies with a liberal class that places corporate and personal profit above the common good. Liberals have conspired, since the presidency of Bill Clinton, to strip the country of manufacturing, and with it, jobs that sustained the working class. They have been partners in the transformation of democratic institutions into tools to consolidate the power and wealth of corporations and the ruling oligarchs. They forgot the fundamental lesson of fascism. Fascism is always the bastard child of bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in Italy. It was true in the former Yugoslavia with its warring ethnic factions. And it is true in the United States.  ~~~ end update]

But Klein made one extremely telling admission in that personal material.

Klein has an autistic son. In discussing her son’s autism and mocking the extremely competitive and pathologically ambitious parents she comes across in her upscale circles brag about the over-achievements of their “perfect” kids, she thanked her son for giving them an “exit ramp” from all that.

That’s exactly how I feel: I’ve taken the exit ramp:

(“… I took the exit ramp, and that has made all the difference).

I’m done with all that.

Life after the exit ramp feels grounded – grounded if in nothing else than what remains of the commons: the public lands and the extraordinary landscapes, natural beauty, and tranquility they still provide.

8H1A3714 copy[Update: After I posted this, in an incredible case of serendipity, I came upon Pope Francis’ latest on climate: LAUDATE DEUM

33. In conscience, and with an eye to the children who will pay for the harm done by their actions, the question of meaning inevitably arises: “What is the meaning of my life? What is the meaning of my time on this earth? And what is the ultimate meaning of all my work and effort?”


58. Once and for all, let us put an end to the irresponsible derision that would present this issue as something purely ecological, “green”, romantic, frequently subject to ridicule by economic interests. Let us finally admit that it is a human and social problem on any number of levels. For this reason, it calls for involvement on the part of all. In Conferences on the climate, the actions of groups negatively portrayed as “radicalized” tend to attract attention. But in reality they are filling a space left empty by society as a whole, which ought to exercise a healthy “pressure”, since every family ought to realize that the future of their children is at stake. […]

60. May those taking part in the Conference be strategists capable of considering the common good and the future of their children, more than the short-term interests of certain countries or businesses. In this way, may they demonstrate the nobility of politics and not its shame. To the powerful, I can only repeat this question: “What would induce anyone, at this stage, to hold on to power, only to be remembered for their inability to take action when it was urgent and necessary to do so?” [35]

The world sings of an infinite Love: how can we fail to care for it?


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