Meet ALEC’s NJ State Chairman – Senator Oroho
Sussex County Senator Is ALEC’s Corporate Point Man in NJ
[Update 2 – It is is clear that ALEC and NRA drafted the “Stand Your Ground” law in Florida, and yes Sen. Oroho has sponsored a model ALEC/NRA “Right to Carry” bill – S 104 – and the bill cites Florida crime and handgun statistics!
Update 1: Yes, Oroho has sponsored an anti-women ultrasound bill – S231]
Tomorrow, February 29, 2012, the Occupy Wall Street Movement is Leaping Into Action to Reclaim Our Future, with an nationwide call to Action to “Shut Down the Corporations”.
Here in NJ, Occupy New Brunswick is holding an event focused on ALEC – the Billionaire Koch Brothers funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). [Note: see ALEC’s Board, h/t WH]
We’ve previously noted ALEC influence on Governor Christie, on attacks on DEP science, and regulatory policy bills.
So, I thought I’d warn people about ALEC’s little known NJ State Chairman, Senator Oroho (R-Sussex).
Here is a list of some of the worst bills and Constitutional Amendments Oroho is sponsoring – many are grounded in model ALEC bills. A virtual boatload of bad ideas.
They illustrate a sweeping pro-corporate attack on virtually all progressive values, policies, and governing institutions.
Oroho attacks labor, the environment, immigrants, the urban poor in “special needs districts”, science, government, civil service, taxes, the judiciary, fairness, and gay and women’s rights.
Oroho’s agenda is shocking in its scope and audacity. He would make English the official language and repeal the Global Warming Response Act, the Highlands Act, and the Estate Tax.
His proposed Constitutional amendments are equally radical and would dramatically alter the social contract and severely weaken and dismantle government as we now know it.
The common theme, with the exception of hunters and gun owners who he supports, is the elevation of corporate interests above the public interest.
It is a very troubling sign that a man with these far right wing views could get elected is so called liberal Blue State NJ.
Equally shocking, is that this is a man that Democratic Senate President Sweeney negotiates and cosponsors bills with.
Check it out – breathtaking: (hit the bill number links to read the bills)
S103 | Concerns unemployment benefits for corporate owners and officers. |
S104 | Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun. |
S164 | Prohibits the employment of unauthorized aliens and requires employers to use E-Verify program. |
S183 | Bars companies which hire illegal aliens from public contracts, grants, loans, or tax incentives for seven years. |
S223 | Provides for no net loss of DEP lands for fishing, hunting, and trapping purposes. |
S224 | Clarifies that Fish and Game Council has sole authority to regulate freshwater fishing, hunting, and trapping. |
S225 | Prohibits use of public funds for embryonic stem cell research. |
S226 | Prohibits State departments and agencies from considering or requiring compliance by Highlands planning area municipalities with Highlands regional master plan in certain circumstances. |
S228 | Revises “Administrative Procedure Act” concerning socio-economic impact statements for proposed rule-making. |
S230 | Eliminates expansion of preschool education program in “School Funding Reform Act of 2008.” |
S231 | Requires physicians to provide patients opportunity to undergo obstetrical ultrasound or sonogram within 48 hours of performing abortion. |
S232 | Requires Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission to study financial impact of all enacted mandated health benefits. |
S235 | Prohibits adoption of new rules exceeding federal standards unless specifically authorized by State law or necessary to protect public health, safety, or welfare. |
S236 | Eliminates seniority in Civil Service and other jurisdictions for reductions in force in certain circumstances. |
S238 | Establishes a 2.0 percent cap on annual appropriations increases for certain State government spending. |
S239 | Phases out estate tax over five-year period. |
S240 | “New Jersey Jobs Protection Act;” requires verification of employment. |
S265 | Requires proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain certain benefits. |
S276 | Repeals “Global Warming Response Act” and related sections of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative implementing law |
S608 | Permits licensed dealers to display and auction firearms at fund raising events sponsored by certain tax exempt organizations. |
S742 | “Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.” |
S743 | Extends expiration date of certain permits pursuant to the “Permit Extension Act of 2008.” |
S912 | Suspends “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act” until certain conditions are met. |
S913 | Revises “Administrative Procedure Act” concerning conflicts between rules of different State agencies. |
S1360 | Permits use of deadly force against black bears in certain cases. |
S1363 | Allows for exclusion of certain properties from Highlands preservation area. |
S1619 | Provides that English shall be the official language of the State. |
S1622 | Bars certain employees of certain public agencies from participating in PERS; repeals law permitting PERS and TPAF members on leave who work for labor organization to purchase pension credit. |
S1626 | Repeals the “Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote.” |
S1627 | Eliminates prohibition against purchasing more than one handgun in calendar month. |
S1721 | Modifies definition of at-risk pupils in school funding law.
Constitutional Attacks |
SCR12 | Proposes a constitutional amendment abolishing tenure for Supreme Court justices and establishing retention elections as part of the reappointment process. |
SCR16 | Proposes constitutional amendment to preserve right of people to fish, hunt, trap and harvest fish and wildlife. |
SCR17 | Amends Constitution to limit use of nonrecurring revenue in State budget except in certain times of crisis and limits State budget growth. |
SCR18 | Amends Constitution to require that bills with net effect of raising State revenues by proposing a new State tax or a State tax increase pass each House of Legislature by two-thirds majority vote. |
SCR19 | Proposes amendment to constitution regarding parental notification for medical or surgical procedures or treatments relating to pregnancy to be performed on minor children. |
SCR20 | Proposes an amendment to the Constitution to describe the manner in which the Legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools. |
SCR21 | Proposes constitutional amendment to establish a 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases for certain State government spending. |
SCR24 | Provides for 5 year terms for Justices of the Supreme Court and for tenure elections for a Justice to receive tenure upon reappointment. |
SCR57 | Proposes constitutional amendment to prohibit State courts from requiring that State government spend money. |
SCR79 | Proposes constitutional amendment to provide that only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage. |
Heh. Welcome to “Sussex Montana” as I like to call it. What frightens me as that I live among people here in the 24th District that have no problem with what this man stands for…and there’s a whole “farm team” of clones just like Oroho being bred up here in backwoods municipalities.
@scott olson
Hey there – don’t you dare slander the great state of Montana!
@Bill Wolfe
OK, sorry Bill. Then replace Montana with another “militia-friendly” location. Anywhere.
@scott olson
Try Idaho!
Trump National – Massive wetland rape that DEP brass refuses to write up?
Oroho involved in that as well?
A friend in the know is pondering a ACE or EPA dime out, worst he has seem in years, and he as seen a lot.
@George Hayduke III
Dar HD – tell me more on Trump wetlands rape.
Where might an inquiring mind get documents?
Great Article Bill.